Our Vision
Empowering Piikani Nation members in their health and wellness journey.
Our Mission
Aakom-Kiyii Health Services will ensure maintenance, delivery and enhancement of quality health services for Piikani Nation.
Let us introduce ourselves…
A few words about us
Aakom-Kiyii Health Services is located on Piikani Nation. It offers a full range of community health and home care to the Piikani people and their families. This includes traditional holistic approaches to care, health promotion, disease prevention, curative care, rehabilitative care and social resource advocacy. Included in the services is Non-Emergency Medical Transportation for status, registered individuals living on the Piikani Nation.
Where we’re headed…
Goals and priorities:
- Using national standards of excellence, by implementing Accreditation Primer certification to achieve quality and safety in our delivery of health services
- Leadership is committed to ongoing Integrated Operational Quality improvements that strives to incorporate culturally safe and appropriate approaches that improves patient care and enable providers to work together
- Continue to deliver a reliable and safe Non-Medical Transportation Service to Piikani Nation members residing on the Reserve
- Develop Elders Care Facility that will provide health service delivery to improve Piikani Nation member’s health.
Patients healed
Doctors, nurses & staff working for you
of combined experience
No better place to get you healthy again
Visit Aakom-Kiyii Health Services
Aakom-Kiyii Health services is located on Piikani Nation. It offers a full range of community health and home care to the Piikani people and their families.
Phone: 403-965-3809
Community Health
Community Health provides a vast array of programs and events.
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