Head Start

Head Start

 To provide a secure play and learning environment for children 3-4 years of age

Aakom-Kiyii Head Start

AKHS is committed to the development and delivery of quality early childhood programming that nurtures the healthy development and growth of Aboriginal children and their families.  This commitment has led The Aakom-Kiyii Head Start is a non-profit Indigenous program that serves 3 and 4 year-old children under the management of the Aakom-Kiyii Health Services in Piikani Nation.

We work in collaboration with our AHS Parents, Elders, program partners, and government, sharing the responsibility of growing quality early learning environments for our children and families.

 Since 2001, our Head Start program has worked with other Indigenous communities in Southern Alberta and nationally, to develop and deliver training and resources that contribute to respectful, relevant, and cultural program delivery needs which reflect the families involved in our program.

Hours of Operation

The hours of operation are 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.,  Monday to Friday.

Children attend the program from Monday to Thursday. There is a Monday/ Wednesday session, for Group 1, and a Tuesday/Thursday session for Group 2.

Children do not attend the program on Fridays. This day we use as a staff workday; shopping, cleaning, planning, and home visit day. Also, mini workshops for parents and staff will be held on those days.

The Aakom-Kiyii Head Start Program is in operation for the standard school year months from September to May. During the months of June, July, and August the Coordinator, the Office Assistant, as well as the Blackfoot Instructor are at work planning for the new school year.

All staff back to workAugust 22, 2023Tuesday
Staff RetreatAugust 23, 2023 – August 25, 2023
Wednesday – Friday
Labour DaySeptember 4, 2023Monday
Head Start parent orientationSeptember 14, 2023Thursday
Head Start classes beginSeptember 18, 2023Monday
Treaty 7 DaySeptember 22, 2023Friday
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation September 30, 2023Saturday
Thanks Giving DayOctober 9, 2023Monday
Remembrance DayNovember 11, 2023Saturday
Christmas Dinner for children and familiesDecember 14, 2023Thursday
Christmas break for Head Start childrenDecember 15, 2023 – January 5, 20243 weeks
Christmas break for staffDecember 22, 2023 – January 2, 202410 days
Head Start re-openJanuary 8, 2024Monday
Family DayFebruary 19, 2024 – February 23, 2024
(No school)
Monday – Friday
Good FridayMarch 29, 2024Friday
Easter MondayApril 1, 2024
April 1, 2024 – April 5, 2024 (no school)
Victoria DayMay 20, 2024Monday
Last day of classes for Head Start childrenMay 23, 2024Thursday
Head Start GraduationMay 30, 2024Thursday
Last day of work for Head Start StaffMay 31, 2024Friday

An Elder and the following people are present at Head Start on a regular basis:

  • Speech/Language Pathologist
  • Community Helpers
  • Resource People
  • COHI (Community Oral Health Initiative)

Goals of Head Start

  • To provide a secure play and learning environment for children 3-4 years of age
  • To promote a healthy lifestyle for children and families participating in the Head Start program
  • To provide the children in the program with tools and skills necessary to learn and utilize the Blackfoot Language and to enrich their understanding of the Blackfoot Culture and the world around them
  • To prepare our children in getting the skills and confidence to succeed in their present environment and with later responsibilities in school and lifelong learning within and outside of the Blackfoot traditional culture
  • To support and encourage parents and families of children in the program to act upon their own social needs and utilize the programs and services available to them in the community
  • To support and encourage parents as the primary teachers and caregivers to their children
  • To develop and maintain an understanding and appreciation of the importance in respecting our environment, for the children and families participating in the program

Mission Statement

The Aakom-Kiyii Head Start Program’s mission statement is to
provide comprehensive child development programming that is
grounded in culture, education, and health, and prepares Piikani
children for lifelong learning.


Empowering Piikani Nation families in their health and
developmental journey.

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